Goodbye January…
Goodbye January…
Actually I had the plan to write a small recap about the year 2016. But now the first month of 2017 is already over and the question is not only where did the year 2016 disappear to but where did 1/12 of the year 2017 go??
So – it seems January disappeared, too. And since we were busy it did so quite fast. After a little rest at the beginning of the month there were many orders to fullfil from customers old and new, lots of coffee to drink and chocolate to eat. And since we’re having a really cold winter this year we also had to combine the two and have lots of hot chocolate while working!
Currently we’re looking into software solutions to set up a better and more efficient webshop that will help you find your way through our increasing number of different paperyarns, papertwines, paper raffias etc. We also hope to have a shop in German up and running soon.
Picture top middle: @jjuliejjeon on Instagram.@jjuliejjeon on Instagram.
Picture second row left: @tabiyo_yf on Instagram.
All other pictures by us on our Instagram feed.
Picture third row left shows an artwork by Marie-José Gustave: @mariejosegustave on Instagram.